1. Try something new, in season. Prepare a vegetable that’s harvested right now. It provides an entirely different energy to the food you’ll eat the rest of the year.
2. Buy LOCAL produce. The average (American) meal travels 1500 miles from farm to table. When you support local farmers you tap into food with an incomparable life force. So you fuel, so shall yee reep!
3. Eating for FALL includes: Clementines. Cranberries. Dates. Figs. Grapefruit. Grapes. Imo. Kiwi. Mandarin Oranges. Melons. Oranges. Pears. Persimmons. Pomegranates. Raspberrries. Bok Choy. Brocolli. Broccoli Rabe. Brussel Sprouts. Cabbage. Carrots. Cauliflower. Celery Root. Collard Greens. Garlic. Jerusalem Artichokes. Kale. Leeks. Lettuce. Parsnips. Pumpkin. Rhubard. Rutabaga. Snow Peas. Spinach. Sweet Potato. Swiss Chard. Turnips. Watercress. Winter Squash. Apples.
4. Benefits of eating in-season:
- reduces the energy needed to grow and transport the food we eat
- avoids paying a premium price for food that is scarcer or has travelled a long way
- supports the local economy while reconnecting with nature’s cycles
- seasonal food sings a song with perfect pitch
Fall fast. Winter will be here all too soon.